Conway Owners Club

At the AGM held on Sunday 7th July 2024 at Rudston Village Hall a resolution was passed to dissolve the Conway Owners Club with a cessation date of the 31st August 2024 to allow for the Club's finances to be dealt with.

There were 13 members in attendance at the meeting (in order for the meeting to be quorate 5% of the membership was required and this was achieved) and written representations were received from 9 members prior to the meeting, of the written representations there was 1 vote to keep the Club in operation, 4 votes expressing a desire to keep the Club operating but accepting that the dissolution of the Club may be necessary, and 4 votes to dissolve the Club. Those present at the meeting discussed the matter at length and made the difficult decision to dissolve the Club, the vote from those present was regretful but unanimous and therefore approved the resolution to dissolve the Club, by a majority in excess of 2/3rds of the members present as required by the Club's Constitution.

It was further agreed that once all liabilities have been settled the Club will refund one years subscription fee (£25.00) to every member who has paid their membership fee between the 1st September 2023 to the 31st August 2024. The balance of the funds is to be donated to charity. It was agreed that the Club would donate to a charity in each of the three regions as follows: -

Southern Region - Macmillan cancer support

Midlands Region - MS Society

Northern Region - Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice

The Committee will download information from the Club's website prior to its closure and will hold this for future reference.

It was also agreed that a Conway Friends Group will be set up and all members of the Conway Owners Club will be invited to join. The informal friends group will have no Committee, bank account, insurance etc, it is simply a platform to allow friends to arrange group meets. There will be a Whatsapp chat group created to facilitate this, with friends suggesting a date and campsite (having first ensured that the campsite accepts group bookings) and will ask for interest, once they have confirmed interest they will then arrange the meet over email. Therefore by joining the friends group you give your permission for your email address to be held on a password protected data file for the purposes of arranging group meets. In order to maintain the security of the email addresses all arrangement emails will only be issued by those who will have access to the protected file (these persons (Admin) are to be agreed by the rest of the Group), so any group member wanting to arrange a meet will issue the final meet details, dates, campsite, fees, etc, to one of an Admin for group circulation to the relevant members.

The current 'Members of the conway owners club' facebook page will be renamed as 'Conway Friends Group'. It was agreed that any physical assets (eg the event shelters, flag pole, etc) would be donated to the new friends group.

If you were previously a Conway Owners Club member and would like to join the Friends Group please email the treasurer before the 31st August 2024, could you also please issue your bank details so we can arrange your subs refund in due course. The Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting the Club over the last 35 years, we hope you do join the friends group but if you do not then please take our best wishes for the future with you.

Conway Owners Club Committee

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