Rallies and Club Meets

What are Rallies and Club Meets?

A Rally is booked through the Club, usually at preferential rates. Experienced members of the club are asked to marshal the Rally. This means that they will be on site to welcome you to the Rally, and to help with any problems you have putting up your unit or with the site. There will be some kind of social programme organised, depending on how many people are there. Everyone is welcome to join in. There will often be a coffee morning with a raffle, games or puzzles for the children and a barbecue or get together on the Saturday evening (if it is a weekend rally).

For our longer Rallies you can book for any number of days, you do not have to join for the entire Rally, for example you may only wish to join for the weekend and that is OK with us.

A Club Meet is organised by a member of the club; but you book direct with the site and tell them you are part of the Conway group. The social programme depends on the people there; there is nobody from the club organising events so you will need to set things up yourselves. We suggest for first time campers that they go to a Rally rather than a Meet.


Interested in Organising a Rally for the Club?

We are always pleased to hear from members who are interested in organising a rally themselves. If you feel that you might consider this then you might like to read the Marshals' Information Pack. If you wish to know more then please contact your regional co-ordinator (details are in the current edition of the Club magazine).   

Rally Photos 

Photographs of some recent rallies can be viewed in the Rally Photos section.

Ral ral ral